O Livro Que Perdeu as Letras
PT: "A Patrícia ilustrou no papel a ilustração que eu tinha já ilustrado na
minha imaginação quando imaginei a história que escrevi graças à
colossal mente imaginativa das crianças que me rodeiam.
A Patrícia,
na companhia da sua turbulenta e talentosa mente, à primeira tentativa
de ilustração, não só captou, como recriou e enriqueceu de magia a minha
história, que passou a ser a "nossa" história.
Houve até uma
criança que, sem saber ainda ler, quase contou a história de fio a
pavio, bastando para isso ter observado e ter-se deixado deslumbrar
pelos magníficos desenhos da Patrícia em "O Livro Que Perdeu as Letras".
Obrigada, Patrícia, e até breve numa outra aventura!"
EN: "Patricia illustrated on paper the illustration I had in my own imagination when I created the story, thanks to the colossal imaginative mind of children around me.
Patricia, in the company of her turbulent and talented mind, at the first attempt of illustration, not only captured, she recreated and enriched the magic of my story, which became "our" story.
There was even a child who, without knowing even how to read, almost told me the entire story by simply allowed herself to be dazzled by the magnificent designs of Patricia in "The Book That the Lost it’s Letters".
Thank you, Patricia, and see you soon in another adventure
JP: 私の周りの子供達の驚くほどの想像力に支えられながら、パトリシアは、物語を作った時に私が想像していた事を見事にイラストレーションにしてくれました。
まだ文字を読めない子どもでさえも、"The Book That the Lost it’s Letters"のパトリシアの壮麗なデザインに魅了され、物語の大凡のあらすじを話してくれました。パトリシア、ありがとう。また別の機会にお会いしましょう!! "
Natália Roque
autora | authoress
(Portugal)Excelsior Webcomics
EN: "Patricia Andrade was for a long time the webmaster of the site of "Excelsior Webcomics" in addition to a lyricist and colourist and acted with competence and willingness, if was not been for her, the project would have died before it even started!"
JP: 「パトリシアは長い間、 "Excelsior Webcomics" のウエブマスターを勤めていました。また、巧みさと積極性をもって作詞と彩色者としても活躍してくれました。もし彼女が居なかったとしたら、このプロジェクトは始まる前に終わっていた事でしょう!」
JP: 「パトリシアは長い間、 "Excelsior Webcomics" のウエブマスターを勤めていました。また、巧みさと積極性をもって作詞と彩色者としても活躍してくれました。もし彼女が居なかったとしたら、このプロジェクトは始まる前に終わっていた事でしょう!」
Carlos Henry
author, editor
(Brazil)IEFP - Amadora
PT: "A Patrícia foi minha aluna, onde mostrou aptidão
excepcional para a ilustração. Aprendeu os programas digitais que
permitem trabalhar ilustração, imagem e texto, muito boa aluna e
empenhadíssima na aprendizagem. Forte personalidade e empenho na
concretização do seu ideal (criação visual). Foi uma pessoa que durante a
minha vida profissional se encontra raramente. Até agora só vi
trabalhos bons feitos por ela o que prova a excepção. Gostaria de
trabalhar com ela porque é também uma boa profissional.
EN: "Patricia was my student, where she showed exceptional aptitude for illustration. She learned the digital programs that let her work in illustration, image and text editing, a very good student and very committed to learn. Strong personality and commitment to achieve her ideal (visual creation). She was a person that during my professional life rarely we see. So far I only seen good work done by her which proves her exception. I would like to work with her anytime because she is also a good professional."
JP: パトリシアは私の生徒でした。クラスではイラストレーションへの比類なき才能を見せてくれました。彼女は、イラストレーション、画像、テキスト編集の作業をするプログラムアプリケーションを学び、学習意欲旺盛なとても良い生徒でした。彼女には理想的な映像表現を達成する才覚と意欲があります。私の職業人としての人生のなかでは稀に見る人物です。彼女からは良い作品しか見た事がなく、それこそが彼女の優秀さを証明しています。彼女はとても素晴らしいプロフェッショナルなので、機会があればいつでも一緒に仕事をしたいと思っています。
JP: パトリシアは私の生徒でした。クラスではイラストレーションへの比類なき才能を見せてくれました。彼女は、イラストレーション、画像、テキスト編集の作業をするプログラムアプリケーションを学び、学習意欲旺盛なとても良い生徒でした。彼女には理想的な映像表現を達成する才覚と意欲があります。私の職業人としての人生のなかでは稀に見る人物です。彼女からは良い作品しか見た事がなく、それこそが彼女の優秀さを証明しています。彼女はとても素晴らしいプロフェッショナルなので、機会があればいつでも一緒に仕事をしたいと思っています。
Maria Ramos
Criativa e conceptora de projectos de comunicação
Conceptor creative of communication projects
Criativa e conceptora de projectos de comunicação
Conceptor creative of communication projects
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